joskor wrote:
...will there be a toolbar available for the mac version of Arhicad 9?
kind of a toolbar . . .
basically, what they've done is create a whole bunch of mini floating palettes that behave slightly differently to the usual floating palettes. when you first open archiCAD you get about 7 or 8 of them all in a line across the top.
because they snap to each other (as all floating palettes in 9), you can pick up the first one and all the attached move with it - ala photoshop CS.
but: the more docked toolbars, the more system drain when you do move them, and the more space wasted with the sideways titleblock and close button.
as djordje says: it's completely programmable - just like the rest of the interface - so i've made one solid, easy to move toolbar.
right then. i'm sure sharing 'work environments' will probably deserve it's own topic or forum somewhere when 9 really gets going (djordje?), but for now attached is my 'work environment' profile. it works for a 15" apple powerbook (res. 1280x854), but can be modified to any resolution quite easily. simply extract it and import it from the work environment setup (Options>Work Environment...>Work Environment Profiles>Import)
(if anybody does try it, remember: the info box is now scrollable with the mouse wheel and the
` key brings up the navigator . . .)
you can of course import just the separate schemes one-by-one if you wish so that you can get the the toolbar only and apply it to your own palettes and shortcuts, etc...
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