About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Trace reference alignment

Not applicable
I am having trace reference issues, which might be jumping columns around?
I have a footing/foundation plan in a separate story as my main floor plan; as I switch to the foundation plan, and turn on the floor plan as a trace reference, it does not align with the foundation plan; my grids are jumping 2" to the left on one half of the building, and the grids on the right half of the building are jumping to 2" off in the opposite direction.
If I adjust my trace reference to 'original position', it does nothing....if I move the trace to align with the foundation, and try 'original position' reset, it does nothing.

If I leave the trace reference in place, and move my foundation wall to align beneath the trace reference wall and line everything up, then check w/ a dynamic section, my foundation wall and story walls are not not aligning...when my model cut has my walls aligning from roof deck to foundation wall and footing, then go to floor plan with a trace reference, nothing aligns correctly and it seems like the trace reference is a different scale.

so-either my trace references align together, and my wall does not, or I align my wall, and my trace references are not aligning from story to story, and plan to plan.

Is there a setting I'm missing?

Windows 7
64 bit
AC 14 Build 3862
Not applicable
Can you post a picture perhaps?

What are you using as a reference? Is it a Viewpoint or a View? (or even a layout!)

Is it just the grid lines that are out of alignment, or is the whole model shifted over? What happens if you draw a temporary multistorey wall that passes through all stories? Is this in alignment between each storey when you use trace and reference?