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Trouble With Custom Profiling

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Im having a spot of bother whilst attempting to use custom profiling in order to create a road kerb. i am creating the profile successfully with a rounded edge, yet when i create a wall and click 'apply to selection' in the profile manager box, im left with a kerb that has a brick material mapped onto it, and the options to change top and bottom materials are faded out.
Can anyone help with this?

Thanks alot.
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ArchiCAD Services
ArchiCAD since v9 to latest
iMac, Windows 10
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Hi There...

I made that same mistake once...

You have to change the side materials within the Complex Profile Manager Window itself. See the pic that i attached. Remember that you must have the fill of the profile selected in order to be able to change the material. Hope this helps.

Also try adding hotspots to the corners of your profile this will give you extra nodes to which you will be able to snap to. I did a post on the custom profile a bit earlier on. Here's the link it should be helpfull.
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Thanks very much