About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Viewing Single Floors

Not applicable
Hi all.

Something odd is going on. I am setting the 3D view to show only a single floor at a time, however for some reason now the walls of the building from every floor appear even if that floor is set to invisible. This was not happening with this model before, I am not sure what has happened and if so what I can do to correct it.

Any ideas?

Regards, A.
how were you setting the 3D view to show only a single floor at a time?
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
It sounds like you are using walls that continue over more than 1 floor?
The marquee tool and even Filter elemets shows walls from bottom to top if the wall have something in the marked area. Not only the floor you have marked.

The only way to show walls only at one floor at a time in 3d i think cutting plane are the right way to do it? Correct me if I'm wrong.