Does anyone know of a way to create an editable siding/weatherboard profile on a wall that behaves in a similar fashion 'wall grooves' in the Australian Essential Library, IE the profile is cut into the wall itself and there are no added elements?
I understand Objects on Line have a 'siding maker' which looks pretty good but it appears somewhat limited in its ability to alter profile heights / depths etc.
thanks Matthew,
I tried complex profiles initially and it was too cumbersome to manage with varying heights and window placements. My main motive is to find a way too achieve a better photo-image with the wall modelled rather than using shaders or textures - they jsutr aren't as convincing as a modelled profile
You are right that nothing renders like a relief surface.... and the complex profile is it!!!!
When you have a wall with varying heights and consistent linear elements like siding, you make a master profile and then copy it and slice the top or bottom off as needed, keeping the origin the same throughout the variations.
I haven't tried that approach but it sounds logical (even to me). I guess even using CP's on foreground walls only, with shaders on more distant elements will add enough detail and relief to make the rendering more convincing.