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Who the hell is using LINUX in Architecture?

I have had enough of talking about LINUX, free UNIX etc.
Personally I have never seen using LINUX in an architectural practice...
This poll is to kind of compare apples with apples in terms of professions, try to be honest fellos...
if you selected 'Other' please specify.

People who are not interested in having AC for LINUX please do not vote in this poll.

Thank you
Not applicable
No one! Because there are no architectural applications for Linux!

But there are many who want to migtrate to Luinux, forget Windows and find Mac too expensive! I am one of them!
ANYONE Before you cast your vote please consider this.
But there are many who want to migtrate to Luinux, forget Windows and find Mac too expensive! I am one of them!
well, this is a very hypothetical question because I am not sure if somebody could actually break down the cost for staff training (new software, procedures etc), IT service (virus control, drivers and hardware set up, compatibility issues in regards to file flow from/to either Mac or Win platforms), reliability of particular LINUX clone/installation, availability of specific software (mind you there is more software than MS office and AC in an office eg. bespoke accounting, timesheets, costing, scheduling, graphic design, vizualisation and god knows what software).
Imagine just a medium size office (up to 20 people) with all this stuff installed on their machines plus office manuals and procedures, archiving, back-uping, networking and switching to new accounting system (in this case say hello to tax officers and almost inevitably good-bye to your money).....

If you think it would be still feasible for you to get Linux go ahead...
Not applicable
In Sweden there are alot of companies (not architectural) that have change to Linux because more and more software convert to WWW-platform and because of that you don't need expensive and slow software like Windows.
And the only thing I use that need Windows is ArchiCad and Cubase (at home), all the others works on Linux.
But maybe the big conversation from Windows .EXE software to platform indepentend WWW software isn't that big in the rest of the world like here in Sweden?
Not applicable
Rob, a 20 people office is a very big one in Bulgaria!

Besides, here most ot the servers run under Linux or Unix, so it will actually be easier to migrate!

There are very few viruses for Linux, compared to Windows, so actually it is not a big problem. I use outside IT support for taking care of my antivirus software at the moment so nothing will change.

Windows is remarcably unstable so the cost for IT support will decrease dramatically once the machines are configured at the beginning. And using free operating system will provide some money for this support too!

The drivers problem is much greater with Vista, so nothing new! 😉

Accounting is usually done by outside firms and I am a bit ashamed to say that in Bulgaria the state tax offices still work on DOS!

It is the availability of specific software which is the biggest trouble. All I need to migrate to Linux is AC, Photoshop and some decent rendering software, preferably VRay compatible.
Brad Elliott
I just want to know how you got hell past the censors. Anything else that is even possibly off color gets whacked and hell gets through? Not that I'm complaining.
Mac OS12.6 AC26 USA Silicon
M1 Macbook Pro
Not applicable
But you're not allowed to say " adult ". (that was a d u l t )
Not applicable
Hi all i vote for solo architect. I work some time with my father(61 y.o.), he working in old way like at paper in acad. I don't think that he can or want switch his workplace to linux in any situation But also he don't want to switch to ArchiCAD... it is mentality... But if GS want look to future(looking on more young people) i think linux version should be. How long old architects will work... How many they are? I almost agree that it is hard to any company switch from windows to linux(also hard switch from drags to normal life 😉 all)...
it don't look so hard with osx>linux

imho windows became outdated OS... they almost lost their domination position... and now i didn't see any more or less good reason to maintain it... GS look like looser by supporting it (all this is imho of cause)
You playing in the autodesk market... you lost...

All time I hear that GS has small business... You want to grow or not? Guys are you crazy?

I sagest past loosers with loosers and make burst to future 😉

of cause I kidding...

But as it is talked in Odessa - in every joke only part of joke...

PS I want add some about pro of linux OS... You know company Silicon graphics? They stop produce their own OS - IRIX... and sagest to their customers switch to linux.. New systems deliver with linux, sun go open source with solarise, BSD - freeBSD, where is SCO with help of microsoft's money?
more and more hardware manufacturers support linux OS
More and more computer manufacturers support linux(DELL. lenovo. Acer)
More and more smartphone manufacturers support linux...

I don't now any hardware that didn't work with linux... even wo manufacture support... Intuos Graphire for example...

For now I think that can be talken that it is more or less equal hardware support for XP and Linux
just recording the status and some statistics to the date 12.08.2007

total votes:9 (solo-2,employee-3,academic-1,IT-1,arch.technician-2)
total visits:663
total forum members to date:15345

theoretically: 0.058% AC talkers would like to have AC for LINUX.
Not applicable
Hi Rob
theoretically: 0.058% AC talkers would like to have AC for LINUX
You see what u want

You funny guy... are you can canulate at all? How can you work in architectural sphere w/o principle ariphmethic knowlage

You building still alive? (kidding)

OK I am visit this topic at least 15 times... So it much more % didn't U think so... U have any statistic about unique ip's

But that doesn't metter... if u try calculate 9 votes in 663 visits u have more then 1% definatly because 1% of 100 is 1 then 1% of 600 is 6
And if u exactly calculate it will be approx 1.36%