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Who the hell is using LINUX in Architecture?

I have had enough of talking about LINUX, free UNIX etc.
Personally I have never seen using LINUX in an architectural practice...
This poll is to kind of compare apples with apples in terms of professions, try to be honest fellos...
if you selected 'Other' please specify.

People who are not interested in having AC for LINUX please do not vote in this poll.

Thank you
This topic name is a sort of a rhetoric question with a primary goal to get sober about changing to and use of linux in a real arch. commercial environment... as oppose to encouraging use of it, sorry for the confusion...
further to this please read my reply (3rd from the very top of this topic).

architecture is a beast where people have to reinvent themselfs everyday to be gardeners, caretakers, bricklayers, negotiators, financial advisers etc, so communication, broad scope of software used and especially 100% compatibility with the major 'flow' is crucial.

Mind you that the building industry is one of the most conservative industries using CAD. It's because the time span for a complete cycle, meaning from a sketch to the occupational certificate is counted rather in years. Who is going to switch to a completely new system amid of this crazy circus?

AC for Linux is an unrealistic blurb not just from the programming resources point of view but also, from the real number of professional users perspective...there would be minimum gains for GS in comparison to spending these resources on better releases for Mac/Win as mainstream OSs.

it ain't gonna happen mate...and that's for sure
Not applicable
Thanks, got it, this thread is a statement not a question.

Your statements really make me want to respond but I see your mind is made up.
it ain't gonna happen mate...and that's for sure
Just remember, everything you are saying about Linux was once said about both AutoCAD _and_ Windows in the CAD industry.

I am not exactly sure how you square that history with your belief but I will leave you to it.


Clifton Hyatt
Not applicable
there would be minimum gains for GS in comparison to spending these resources on better releases for Mac/Win as mainstream OSs.
All the users of AC11 out there are probably agreeing.....
Your initial question gives little hope of receiving valid answers...

FWIW, I recently installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my PC. Works fine, updates and installations are easy to manage. Graphics acceleration is fine, if you get the drivers installed correctly.

There is some nice 3D software (Blender, K-3D, Houdini Apprentice) available, but CAD software is limited (QCad etc...). Most are limited 2D CAD tools, which try to be something like AutoCAD. Not exactly appealing to move over from Windows/OSX using ArchiCAD. As a development platform (C++) and for using Latex, webservers and a nice command shell, I like it.

I love to see a Linux version of ArchiCAD, but not at the cost of lesser attention to the Windows/OSX versions. I would also love to see an improved BIM model in ArchiCAD, but that doesn't seem to be the focus these days... I have AC11, but am not fully satisfied with the development direction. Oh well, at least there will probably be a new AC12 in about a year 😉
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
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