I just spoke last week to a firm in Washington, USA and two Eastern European colleagues. All did a large spectrum of projects, and have only experienced a slow down (completely dead) in the residential remodeling/design sector and newer commercial rentals/office projects.
The City (civic/government) and State funded jobs are essentially unaffected, though budget proposals and costs have become more important than usual. City work and hospitals and schools (in the USA) seem to be picking up actually. Here in Eastern Europe, the big money clients are just more cautious, but in my perception, they’re more like sharks circling for the kill- As people loose property and projects get stopped, they see opportunity and even want designs and ideas on things they don’t own yet.
Most of my associates here no longer have offices full of house plans, but have city and road and park plans going on- renovations for civic and public buildings and property.
This week 7 projects I'm involved in, backed by UK investors, while not stopped, now need
very detailed price proposals and changes
–clients are having an extremely difficult time obtaining funding via banks, especially when the clients themselves are in the construction industry (double blow).
There’s a firm on the west coast of USA that specializes in public school renovations, and they’re hiring and looking for help, and word is business will be overwhelming soon for them, if Obama is good on his word and can get the programs moving to modernize the USA early-grades school buildings and such (I’m hoping he isn’t more intent on silly computers in the classroom and rather wants to make the actual buildings and education better and help the teachers more).
A colleague of mine here in Europe is working almost exclusively on civic works now- city planning all over Europe (renovations, prettier towns, road-way changes, etc). They rarely got this kind of work in the past and now it’s the only work they have outside of churches and state buildings.
It seems here either we’re working on civic projects, or those of us lucky enough to have independent-money clients (the bankers themselves, eh?) who are doing personal projects, still have residential work happening. Least on the USA West Coast and here in East Europe and the UK.
However, the two projects I have been working on FOR civic/government/city improvements IN MOSCOW, have stopped dead. Little word comes out of that part of the world even over here, except rumors. Maybe the old USSR is even worse of outside of private money sector?
Maybe with a lot of us experiencing slow-downs, it's a great time to get better at what we do and finally perfect those master templates and our AC skills, wot?
I am quite curious about other areas in the world too.