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Zone Content


I can't seem to change the content of the text in zone settings. I have to add the content before hand and have to redo if I need to change for instance a spelling mistake of the room name. Please help. Thank you. 


Can you post some screenshots of what you mean and also the version of Archicad.

Lee Hankins
ArchiCAD 4.5 - Archicad 27UKI Apple Silicon 27.2.1
macOS Sonoma (14.5)

Hello @Johanni ,


Could you be more explicit ?
I am not sure I understand your aim and your problem.

Christophe - FRANCE
Archicad Designer and Teacher
Archicad 15 to 27 FRA FULL

OS 11.6 Big Sur - MacBook Pro 2017 - 16Go RAM
"Quality is never an accident ; it's always the result of an intelligent effort" John Ruskin

Hi Lee 

Thank you for your reply. It is ArchiCAD26. When I use the zone tool, I need to setup the "Pantry" description before I add it in the drawing. Once I added it in, I can't change it. I can't change the Pantry for instance to Bedroom if I have to. When I change it, I need to delete the the description that is in and make a new one. Thank you.