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template in plotmaker

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Hi everyone, I would like to know the best way to make a template, a master layout, that I can use over and over in differents projects, a plain page with the cartouche, frame etc. in wich I would put my drawings. Any hints

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If you mean to make a master layout in PlotMaker, there is a function for that built into the layout book. At the bottom of the Navigator (viewed as "Tree by Subsets") are Masters and Title Types. There should be some there already to give you a start.

If you mean to make template files to speed up and standardize your work overall, just set up some files the way you want them and save them as templates.

You can also buy templates such as the STS system.
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Hello -

Try this link.
It will tell you how to access a nice set of templates that is bundled with ArchiCAD.

Best regards - Chris
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Matthew wrote:
If you mean to make a master layout in PlotMaker, there is a function for that built into the layout book. At the bottom of the Navigator (viewed as "Tree by Subsets") are Masters and Title Types. There should be some there already to give you a start.
Matthew, I don't see any of these master layouts that are supposedly built-in. Of course, this project is a merged v9 one that started with a layout template that was given to us in class, so I would imagine that has something to do with it.

So, where and how can I locate and bring up the master layouts that came built-in to AC10? I can't find them anywhere.

David Maudlin
Wendy wrote:
Matthew, I don't see any of these master layouts that are supposedly built-in. Of course, this project is a merged v9 one that started with a layout template that was given to us in class, so I would imagine that has something to do with it.

So, where and how can I locate and bring up the master layouts that came built-in to AC10? I can't find them anywhere.

One way to get the default ArchiCAD 10 Master Layouts:
1. In ArchiCAD 10, go to File > Open and open the ArchiCAD 10 Template.tpl which is in (on the Mac, Windows should be similar) Applications > Graphisoft > ArchiCAD 10 > Defaults > ArchiCAD folder. Check the box at the lower left had corner "Launch a new instance of ArchiCAD" so both this file and your project file are open at the same time.
2. Go to File > Save As... to save this file as an ArchiCAD Solo Project file (.pln), with a name and location that makes sense to you.
3. Now go back to the ArchiCAD instance of your project file, go to the Navigator palette and click on the button in the upper left hand corner and select "Show Organizer". A palette will appear with two panes.
4. One the right hand side pane, select the layout button to show the layouts of your project.
5. On the left side pane, click on the button at the top left corner, one of the options in this list should be the ArchiCAD file you just Saved As from the ArchiCAD 10 Template file, select this file. If you don't see this file, select "Browse..." and find the file that you saved.
6. On the left side pane, select the Layouts button at the top of the pane. All the layouts in the ArchiCAD Template file should now appear, including the Master Layouts.
7. Drag the Master Layouts you want from the ArchiCAD Template file from the left pane into your Masters folder in your project file on the right side pane. This will add these Master Layouts to your file.


David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14