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www.archicad.ca IS DOWN!

Thomas Holm
I just noticed, that the Canadian website devoted to making Archicad better, http://www.archicad.ca is gone!

This site, driven by Andy Thomson's untiring engagement, that has been of so much benefit to all of us Archicad users globally, and that has promised hitherto unforeseen enhancements of library and material management, is suddenly down, apparently due to some Canadian reseller's unforgivable mistake.

I write this hoping that Graphisoft centrally will take action immediately, and secure that the resources already built into this site isn't lost, and that its development will be secured for the future, go on and hopefully accellerate!
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1
Andy Thomson
This was due to the incompetence of the former IT person for the Canadian reseller - who against advisement, did not register the site for 5 years. None of the notifications re. annual domain expiry went to the correct email for the reseller, and so archicad.ca simply expired. The person now responsible is currently on his honeymoon, so this is just a matter of very unfortunate timing.

GS HU has graciously intervened to re-register the site. I personally apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAIC
Thomson Architecture, Inc.
Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro
Not applicable
I'm sure everyone here will agree that we're all just so glad to have access to the site as such an outstanding resource, there's no need for apologies on your part for things out of your domain (hah!) ! We're only glad that all your work so far put into it will remain available!
Thomas Holm
"andyro"GS HU has graciously intervened to re-register the site. I personally apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.[/quote wrote:

Andy, you should not apologize! Maybe I should, for ringing the bell too loud?
But I'm grateful that GS is intervening. I think in the end it's a good thing that the importance of your site has got the attention of Graphisoft centrally. You're doing work on your own time that will benefit us all, and that should have been initiated and funded by GS in the first place!
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1
Thomas Holm
http://www.archicad.ca is now up and running again, thanks to Graphisoft. And I think the domain is secured for a long time now!
There are a lot of goodies there, thanks to Andy Thomson, and I especially recommend you to follow the work with library consolidation. It will benefit us all! Thanks, Andy! http://www.archicad.ca/?p=75
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1
Not applicable
I agree with this topic whole-heartedly! www.archicad.ca is a hugely beneficial site to the community and sets a benchmark in both effort and generosity. I am very releaved to see that it is back up. If anything, I hope that this thread will do its part to advertise the site and bring about some much overdue praise to its creators and contributors.

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