The zone boundary settings are in the Listing and Labeling tab of the wall settings (see attached). You can also designate other 2D/3D elements such as Columns, Lines, Arcs, etc as zone boundaries - although not slabs unfortunately

Have a look around the tool settings and see what can be used as a Zone Boundary.
The automatic zone boundary methods (Inner Edge & Reference Line) are also sensitive to layer visibility at the time of updating zones (which only updates
zones btw) so you could actually use layer combinations to hide internal partions and show apartment zones for calculating gross apartment area and then show them and room zones when calculating the room areas. Remember the Layer Combination for each will get saved along with the Zone List when you save it in your View Sets ...
I never used automatic zone boundaries much but im starting to realize just how much time they can save provided their boundaries are set up correctly
Owen Sharp
Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp
iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5