Complex Profile Reveal


polygon reveal.png

The window and door object is designed to create custom shaped openings, extruding complex profiles to form detailed reveal forms.


The idea for this object came from modelling existing buildings with various windows dimensions, shapes, and reveal geometry. It was important for this project that the drawings are of good quality, in floor plan, section, elevation, as well as 3D, and to also control the level of detail for site elevations.


The Complex Profile Reveal window/door opening therefore:

  • Includes a variety of parametric opening shapes (with a more freeform/custom shape option being added).
  • Draw the reveal shape as a complex profile, including multiple materials where needed.
  • Control the extrusion of the profile around the opening; all sides, or limited to some continuous sides e.g. excluding from bottom edge to place sills.
  • Corner window option.
  • Detail level controls for 2D and 3D, including using MVOs.
  • Control over surfaces, cut fills, and pens, with options to match the attributes of the walls, complex profiles, or custom attributes.




The object includes some script from "3DMD Polyline" by 3DMediaDesign, which will be used by the freeform/custom shape option when introduced.