Parametric human scale

Diego Barreto

Hello everyone,


We have some people on basic library to use in 2d and 3D visualization. 

The problem is: the basic library has limitations. We want more people, diversity, animals, objects and everything. We need the freedom to choose the person.


This is a simple but efficient idea: We use a Complex Profile as a parametrer to you can choose the draw of the human scale. I made it with Param-o.

escala humana.png


This is very simple to use:


1. Draw or import your profile:

escala humana 1.png

2. Choose the profile in the object: 


escala humana 2.png


That's it!



Rubia Torres

Thanks to @Diego Barreto, the parametric human scale is now available for download! At the end of the Parametric Factory stories, you can find a list, including this and many other objects from the Community challenge to download and experiment.
