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Parametric Object Factory

Challenge Description

Dear Graphisoft Community,

We are excited to launch our new challenge: Parametric Object Factory! Create a parametric object in Archicad using Library Part Maker, GDL coding and/or PARAM-O. We have 2 categories: Free Style and Architectural Object.

My Graphi Story

We invite you to share your experiments with us by sending a picture or GIF and the respective PLA - please have only the necesssary library items in the file. Feel free to describe the process if you want, but it is not obligatory.

Graphisoft Jury

Our Jury will select the most interesting entries among both categories and those will be rewarded with special prizes.

1st Place: Apple iPad Pro + €400 Graphisoft Learn voucher

2nd Place: €400 Graphisoft Learn voucher

3rd Place: €240 Graphisoft Learn voucher

Honorable Mention(s): €150 Graphisoft Learn voucher

The prizes will be awarded to our Singaporean participants and to our broad international audience separately. In other words, you have more chances to win!

Selected objects also have the chance to be featured in our knowledge base articles!

Meet the Jury

Parametric Object Factory Selection Panel

How to Create Parametric Objects

Learn how you can easily create parametric objects directly in Archicad on November 10, 2022 in our free webinar Parametric Object Webinar: GDL, PARAM-O and Library Part Maker.

After you have been introduced to the tools, we welcome you on Graphisoft Learn to access our parametric object training for FREE exclusively during the challenge.

Open the course(s) through the link(s) below and click on Purchase. On the new page, click on Apply coupon. Use the coupon code PARAM-O, confirm the purchase, and get started!

How to Participate

1. Go to the entries tab and click “enter the contest”;

2. Upload a picture or GIF of your parametric object directly to the entry and the respective PLA to this folder with your username in the title;

3. Add your labels and post the entry. Done, you're in!


To participate in our challenges, you must have a Community account. If you do not have one yet, please follow these simple steps.

If you wish to make your object available for other Community members to download it, you can upload them to BIMcomponents and add the link to your entry.

Terms and Conditions

By submitting your parametric object, you agree with our Terms and Conditions expressed below and the Terms of Use of Graphisoft Community.

• To be eligible for recognition - rewards -, you must submit an entry with a picture of the parametric object AND send us the corresponding parametric object in a PLA file;

• Please add visuals of the object to your challenge entry and the Archicad file (PLA) to the dedicated folder - in the latter, your Intellectual Property is protected, only the jury and the Community Team have access to these files;

• You are allowed and welcome to submit multiple entries;

• Graphisoft reserves the right to change or cancel any award and make other adjustments as needed to accommodate particular circumstances;

• All submitted entries will be publicly displayed on Graphisoft Community. Submitting an entry gives Graphisoft permission and approval to leverage content (images and/or videos) for Marketing and Public Relations purposes in presentations, on social media, and in the Graphisoft websites;

• By submitting your entry in this challenge, you declare that the object is only done by yourself and does not infringe any third party Intellectual Property. If the objects are inspired by a product or another idea, make sure to specify in the entry description and give the necessary credits;

• The submission window starts on October 20, 2022 | 12:00 PM CET;

• All entries must be received by January 22, 2023 | 12:00 PM CET.

Check the challenge Frequently Asked Questions and, if you still have questions, feel free to start a thread on our What's New? forum.

We look forward to seeing your creative parametric objects in our gallery!

The Graphisoft Community Team