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Parametric design
About Rhino & Grasshopper and PARAM-O.

Grasshopper - Archicad connection - Object problem


Hello to everyone. I am new in the forum, so apologise in advance for not knowing how to best use it yet and where to put my topic correctly.


Regarding the Rhino-Grasshopper-Archicad connection, is anyone experiencing the same problems highlighted on the Rhino forum? When translating a Rhino geometry into a Grasshopper Object, to then become an object in the Archicad library, a ghost box is created, having its anchor point, rather the one assigned in the definition. This problem has been highlighted on the McNeel Discourse Forum

Many thanks



From page 9 of the grasshopper connection user guide:

"Preview Option in Grasshopper's Display Menu
Most components of Grasshopper-Archicad Connection generate a detailed preview in Rhino, using colors that match those of the Archicad model. However, generated Library Parts (Object, Window, Door) display only a bounding box as a preview, by default. (Otherwise, the high polygon count might affect performance.)
To see a detailed preview of Library Parts in Rhino (instead of just the bounding box), turn on the Detailed Archicad Preview toggle in Grasshopper’s Display menu."

Felipe Ribeiro Cunha

AC 26, macOS Monterey

Thanks for your reply. I cannot see any difference by changing the Detail preview in Grasshoper. In Archicad there are still 2 elements, the original box and the bigger shadow box, which doesn't  seem to be the box bounding the original Rhino geometry, but just another box. When the Object is inserted in Archicad, the insertion point belongs to the shadow box and not to the Rhino original geometry (so the anchor point seems to be ignored), resulting always in an unwanted position. As you can see from the image below, there is a little box at the top of the image (the original Rhino geometry), but the insertion point is very far and doesn't belong to it.
