First of all, thank you for reporting the issue here and I am sorry about the experience!
We have a couple of reports recently about the connection issue with Rhino via Grasshopper add-on. To pinpoint the problem exactly, I kindly ask you to carry out the test below:
We will use a Python script to attempt to build a wall in ARCHICAD using the same port that the Grasshopper-ARCHICAD Live Connection add-on uses. This will help us to see if the problem is on ARCHICAD's or with Rhino's side.
1. Please download the latest Python version (3.8.1) from this website:
2. Run and install Python fully (with admin rights, it is very important)
3. Open ARCHICAD and start/activate the Grasshopper-ARCHICAD Live Connection add-on. (Rhino does not need to be running, as we are only testing things from ARCHICAD’s side now).
4. Download the attached file "Teszt.py" (Please make sure to have it located in the Downloads folder. This is very important)
5. Open the Terminal App and type the following:
sudo python3 /Users/<username folder>/Downloads/Teszt.py
(<username folder> would be the user’s own username account. For example, my username folder is MNguyen so I would have it like this:
Sudo python3 /Users/Mnguyen/Downloads/Teszt.py)
6. Once you typed this line correctly, hit enter, and if you set a password for your account, Terminal will ask you to enter the password, after that hit enter again. Please take a screenshot of the Terminal App at this stage.
By now, please check if a wall was built in ARCHICAD, and let me know of the results.
Thank you for your help! I look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
P/s: Here is the link to the script:
Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer