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Import/Export Mark-Up Styles

Does anyone know of any way to transfer Mark-Up styles between files? They are classed as 'Attributes' in AC10 (at least by their location with all the other Element Attributes in the menu items .. reorganizable i know) but are not available in the Attribute Manager. Nor is there anywhere in the Mark-Up Styles dialog itself to Import/Export them.

I have only just started using these and have had to manually recreate ALL the Mark-Up Styles in each of the hotlinked files

I also have a strange problem (see attached). This project was migrated from v9 and there seems to have been two old markup items. They are now appearing in the Mark-Up Entries list on a non-existant story (-31000.Story), however the mark-up elements themselves are actually on the stories Basement 1 and Retail Level. I can delete the mark-up elements but not the entries ... the Delete button next to the Sort By tab is greyed out. I think I may have run across this problem before in a Teamwork file which had been saved as a PLN then re-Teamworked - the old markup entries could not be deleted. However this file has not yet been teamworked, perhaps the version change is the cause. Anyone have any ideas?

I would also be interested to hear from anyone who has used this function. How did you find it - did it replace the hardcopy markup or supplement? Was it worthwhile?

Picture 3.png

Owen Sharp

Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp

iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5
Not applicable
We seem to have the same issue in our TW model, cannot delete entry of an already deleted object. Any solutions?
Judit Boros
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
If the mark-up is assigned to "None" please assign it to a user so you can delete the entry.
Judit Boros

Technical Support Team


Budapest, Hungary

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