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Sustainable design
About EcoDesigner, Energy Evaluation, Life Cycle Assessment, etc.

Please help!! energy consumption question..

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I have been trying to use the energy evaluation on different project but never succeeded because it always show to much annually energy consumption.
I set the windows to be about 1,1 , walls 0,16 , roof and ground 0,13 Wm2K.
All those factors result in a energy consumption of at least 130.00 kWh/m2a.
Can this be truth???? When our energy consultant count on the project with another energy program he gets 43kWh/m2a.
Here in sweden the regulations of energy consumption for new construction is a maximum of 55kWh/m2a.

I have been looking on manny other tutorials on the energy evaluation in Archicad but "130.00 kWh/m2a" amount of energy consumption seams to be a normal amount when calculated in Archicad.

After finish project we always control the factual energy consumption of the constructions, and it it is always around 38-53 kWh/m2a.

Can someone tell me where i do wrong? Why the annual energy consumption is always so hight when calculated in Archicad.
Do someone have the same problem has me?