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Backup of BIMCloud Basic with using script

Not applicable
Hi there,
This is not a direct question but a share. I have made a couple of scripts, that I needed for my work and I thought it might be handy for someone else also. In addition, I'm not a great script programmer, so if anyone would like to improve on the scripts, that would be most welcome.

We use a network-share to store all project- and library files. Since it is a possibility for a network share to loose connection to the computer running BIMCloud Basic, I needed a script that was periodically testing it the share was mounted. If it was not, then stop the manager and server, and try to remount. In addition, running a full backup with a script, I needed to make sure that the share was mounted else abort the backup.

What was also important was notifications, that i get an e-mail if something went wrong.

Again, I'm no programmer, så there might be better ways to write the bash script. Please consider contributions if you have cooler and more elegant ways of scripting this.