Teamwork & BIMcloud
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Serious Error

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Anyone out there seen this error message?

Anyone out there have any suggested solutions to fix this?

I am in Kuala Lumpur and the BIM server is in Sydney.

Everything seemed to be working fine in Teamwork, and now this. Latest major work was relinking of the hotlinked modules, and changing all library parts to ArchiCAD 13 Library from the old libraries 10, 11, 12.



Screen shot 2010-04-07 at 9.26.40 AM.jpg
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Yes we've had that error several times, and the solution has been to delete the local teamwork data and reload the project.
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Thanks Cleverbeans, I was at the point where I was going try something like that, or even deleting the file from TW completely and Sharing it again....

Anyways, what happened in the end was I just kept trying to Receive Changes, each time it would tell me I had to restore from autosave. So I would.

Eventually ArchiCAD/Graphisoft must have realised something was wrong, and a message appeared asking me to send the file to them. I tried doing that but it kept telling me I was using the wrong username and password, so I gave up on that........

Anyways, after that I went back to open the file and receive the changes and now it is working fine!!!

Who knows!!!

Achille Pavlidis
Seen that way a lot of times... and unfortunately there isn't a log file like in the old teamwork that could give a hint to what went wrong...
Mac OSX 13.6.6 | AC 27 INT 5003 FULL