Teamwork & BIMcloud
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Template on BIM-Server?

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This is me thinking out loud.

What if I took an office template and shared on BIM Server?

Then I could set myself as Lead Architect and everybody else as view only.
A user would then join the template and "save as" in order to get started on a new project.
This would lead to easier access of templates, easier update and a nicer cleaner structure.

Am I totaly off or is this something that could work?
Whats the pros and cons?
Our template is shared on the BIM server, but only to those that will be editing it.

It's a constant work in progress, so I keep the latest 'cleaned-up' version of it as a TPL in our project start up folder. The TPL is used to start a new project. It is then shared by the creator on the BIM server (if that project is to be teamworked)

This way I can be working on revising something in the template, leave it to work on other things and come back to it later and not affect anyone else that needs to use it to start a project.
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As a BIM Manager I'd much prefer to retain control over the template and set up all new projects myself. It's the only way to be certain they get off to a good start.

We have one completely pre-linked template built for all project types. At the start of a new job I tailor a copy of it locally and then share it as a new teamwork project following a simple but strict naming and categorization criteria. I also limit the number of teammates and determine their roles. It works perfectly.

The thought of 50 users doing this unsupervised would make me wake up every night in a cold sweat. It would mean they'd all need Administrator Rights and would be free to do anything! Arghhhh!

I can see how a template on the BIM Server may work in a smaller firm, but personally I'd rather see module files up there first.

As a side note, even though it's not recommended on large projects, I always stay joined to all teamwork projects, so that I can instantly assist users and ensure the project structure stays streamlined.

Not applicable
The thought of 50 users doing this unsupervised
scares me to but that was not the idea. As BIM Manager I would have all access and users view only, forcing them to "Save As".

I was thinking more in the line of MMontgomery.

Maybe a new .tpl fileformat for BIM Server?