Teamwork & BIMcloud
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Using Teamwork 19 Remotely

Not applicable
Trying to figure out how to get teamwork working for my sometimes remote worker employee...

Here is the setup...
My Macbook Pro laptop running ArchiCad 19 which is also the Teamwork Server.

The employees Macbook Pro Laptop running Archicad 19 which is sometimes in the office, connected to the loca/home comcast xfinityl wifi, and sometimes needs to connect remotely over the internet.

The server laptop is connected through Comcast/Xfininity home internet service (home wifi router). I assume this means the IP address is dynamic, not static.

Is there a way to get Teamwork 'through the internet' to work simply for a very small two person operation? Seems ridiculous that this software would require us to be network hackers to collaborate through the net. What are we missing?

TLDR: Best way to setup two laptops to work together through teamwork, sometimes locally thru wifi, sometimes thru internet?

**Update: Spent the evening downloading earning Apple Server via Youtube videos... and sett up a VPN. Will try to get the VPN to work with employees computer tomorrow and hopefully it will jive with the Bim Server without much hassle... or not?