When having Hotlinked Modules in Teamwork projects you might have run into the problem of not being able to break the hotlinks as in the solo projects. Reserving the modules and/or the Hotlink Manager dialog itself doesn’t solve the problem either, the Break Hotlink button is still greyed out…

The reason why this just stopped working after Archicad 17 is purely technical and intentional by Graphisoft, therefore there is an alternative solution for this sought after function.
Use the Hotlinked Module Settings… from the context-menu after reserving and selecting a module and use the alternatively introduced Explode Hotlink of Selected Modules checkbox.

Though it has its shortcomings compared to the Break function – such as losing the dimensions and SEO connections -, note that this way not all hotlinks will be terminated, but the selected ones only, which is also one of the recurring wishes regarding hotlink management.