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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

(3d interior) Minimalismo One

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Hi guys ...interior of a Deborah model in & ligth 3dsmax...

sorry for the size so big
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I like to work with archicad because he far better has a very friendly interface... that any CAD program... but when I need imagens photorrealistic I must myself pass to 3ds max... to make one imagens photorrealistic is necessary much preparation, patience, feeling, etc. and many Megabytes of memory... jejeje Dwigth I am preparing the scene...
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i like ur lighting so much
Paul King
I guess what some might ask, is what is gained by excluding the rendering tools that most industry heavy weight (& increasingly medium weight) Practices use to win jobs & influence people?

Rendering is become less & less a specialist secondary outcome - it is bercoming a core part of Practice.

The strength of an Architectural design package will increaingly be assessed by it's ability to support and INTEGRATE all the processes that generate & communicate the design - from marketing it, to managing document revisions while it is being built.

Presumably the gurus at Graphisoft could design extra rendering functionality such that it does not need to be invoked unless needed (like turbo mode in a sports car) - but wouldn't it make you feel better just knowing it was there?

The extra cost would be more than offset by the savings in time & hassle achieved by integrating the rendering model 100% with the design model

I for one would pay for such an update or plug-in!
ArchiCAD 8-28 | Twinmotion 2024
Windoze 11 PC | Intel Core i9 10900K | Nvidia Gforce RTX 3080 | 32 Gb DDR3 | 2x4K monitor extended desktop
Not applicable
Great work
I think, good rendering skill is same like good photograph.
It is also art.
If a architect can do this job, it is great.
Not applicable
Two thoughts on this subject. Please don't scream at me for this.

!. If you must do renderings, buy Piranesi. Great for all types of renderings: photorealistic, charcoal sketch, watercolors, etc, etc. Fairly inexpensive and a great tool. Fairly easy to learn and use.

2. I only do residential work so I am not talking about commerical here. Why do renderings in the first place? I show my clients actual pictures of past work and let that demonstate what they can expect for their project. No matter how great a particular piece of rendering software, it can never capture the exact color of roof tile, stucco, landscape, etc. I have even hired outside companies that have done great renderings, but still the client says the stucco color isn't exactly what they want, the ground cover isn't just right. It puts the client in an uneasy position, and hence more effort on my part.

As I am sure most of you do, I sell my clients on reputation and past work. I gain their trust through relationships, referrals, etc. My personal feeling is that if a client doesn't trust your instincts, experience, past work, etc, renderings aren't going to help sell a project.

Sometimes to much information is a bad thing.

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Two thoughts on this subject. Please don't scream at me for this.


No matter how great a particular piece of rendering software, it can never capture the exact color of roof tile, stucco, landscape, etc. I have even hired outside companies that have done great renderings, but still the client says the stucco color isn't exactly what they want, the ground cover isn't just right. It puts the client in an uneasy position, and hence more effort on my part.

Exactly. It is the best way, to show to the client the built reference list.
(I hoped, my name is Mies van der Rohe, or Frank Loyd Right.)
But the client says not always, "Please build the same thing, but with lower price. Your work is now easier."

Beautiful presentation helps: to make understandable.
And to show Rendering is safety way: I must show material sample, to calculate the building.
In this case I can check better with the client material.
Good rendering is very powerful, if atmosphere for your or my architecture is very important.

But rendering can manipulate the client: nice dressed Beautiful lady or handsome man under strange lamping light.

In my opinion, as Architect we must learn to present our works with rendering.
But first of all I want to use LW from AC9. It is powerful enough, but I need skill....
Except that maybe show not too much.....
Paul King
Hi - the purpose of rendering in not necessarily to be photorealistic - sometimes you can be deliberaltly surrealistic and very selective in what you show.
The main thing is to create an atmosphere or a mood - and this is intrinsically tied up with the lighting cast on the subject & the way light bounces around off materials - which is where the full range of rendering tools would be of value.

It is an unfortunate reality that generic rendering makes even the best design in the world look flat.
A full pallet of tools will not make a designer with no ability look good, but it will give sombody with rendering competence as well as a good design an edge over someone who has only one or neither of these things.
ArchiCAD 8-28 | Twinmotion 2024
Windoze 11 PC | Intel Core i9 10900K | Nvidia Gforce RTX 3080 | 32 Gb DDR3 | 2x4K monitor extended desktop
Not applicable
Paul wrote:
Hi - the purpose of rendering in not necessarily to be photorealistic - sometimes you can be deliberaltly surrealistic and very selective in what you show.
The main thing is to create an atmosphere or a mood - and this is intrinsically tied up with the lighting cast on the subject & the way light bounces around off materials - which is where the full range of rendering tools would be of value.
You are right.
Design Showcase from Graphisoft shows not so many motivation in this sense.
AC9 has opende new possibility with LW. Graphisoft must show many possibility with this tool LW, not other rendering programm.
LW is anyway also Rendering Program...or not?
Paul King
Hi Samsung - LW is a rendering Plug in program, and better than the previous native ArchiCAD one - but still no Radiosity - which is a slow method but creates much more powerfull lighting effects. Most high quality renderers seem to have radiosity or something like it now, so ArchiCAD is a little way behind them all . Some say ArchiCad should not try to be as good as the others (that it is too hard to be good at everything), but I say why on earth not!?
ArchiCAD 8-28 | Twinmotion 2024
Windoze 11 PC | Intel Core i9 10900K | Nvidia Gforce RTX 3080 | 32 Gb DDR3 | 2x4K monitor extended desktop