I have noticed that when I use align view between photo of a house to be renovated and a LW render, the results show an AC model that is not as tall as the photo scene. For example: Old house eave =22 feet above ground plane, AC building model eave=22 ft above ground plane, but while the align view results show a good corner to corner match on the X-Y plane, the Z axis on the AC building is shorter than the photo.
Elsewhere, Karl mentioned that you can't use a wide angle lens for the align view tool. But it seems intuitive to me that if I shoot a real world scene with 75 degree lens that I should be able to set the AC camera to 75deg. also and have a match. No? Of course, since I did this work before I read Karl's comment I did not pay attention to real lens vs AC camera lens settings so, I will try that next go round.
Obviously align view gets used a lot, any others with results like my Z mismatch?
PS I have been using Photoshop to correct the issue, but still....