About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Abvent launch trail donwload of Artlantis R

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Architect, interior designer, landscaper, need to communicate the project to make choice, to take decision, to convince the client , to show the project in situation and finally to present it to a larger public.
3D rendering and 3D navigation are the most comprehensive way to achieve these goal but all users encounter problems :

- not easy to set different lighting for different viewpoints
- not easy to choose the right shaders with same settings through several projects
- not easy to insert a 3D model in picture, generally need to know a lot 3D vertex coordinates
- internal CAD rendering may have some limits (rendering size, memory problems)
- Navigation in large model in very large model is difficult and of course it's affect the preparation time
- Radiosity is not easy to set
- Preparation of different view on the same project is really time consuming, specially if each view must have different settings

Artlantis R give you solutions with some unique concept and technology :

- One model , different documents : each viewpoint has its own setting (light, sun, background, atmosphere, size, rendering parameters...)
- Postcard ® : a unique innovative technology to share shaders setting in between several projects and team people
- Innovative Interacttive 3D insertion tool permit to insert with a real time feedback a 3D model in Picture - only graphically
- External solution is focused on rendering and can offer a most productive tool and the return on invest is very fast
and you are not obliged to immobilize your favorite CAD workstation for rendering purpose
- A new technology on the top of OpenGL permit to navigate in very large project and manage them
- Radiosity in one click is our slogan... it's a full radiosity engine with not setting for user...
- Artlantis R inherit from the well-know fantastic ease of use of Artlantis 4.5


- object management : drag and drop object directly in the preview.
- optional professional shaders : a partnership with Dosch Design
Wood1, Floor Pro, Ground and Construction material collections
- optional plants from VB visual , Abvent have added a unique interactive 4 seasons to these plants
- optional 3D peoples from aXYZ design
- help and tutorial included in the software (HTML + Video)
- A new web site ...with a lot of new things like the video tutorial
- 6 languages available at the end of June (FR, EN, SP, IT, GE, JP)
- use reference file from Artlantis for go and back with the modeler
- new SKP export plug for Sketchup users

.... and much much more.

Artlantis R it is the foundation of new family software, Artlantis Studio (full animation) will be the next big step (2006)
Before ending this long post, i would like to honor all the beta tester who work with us since november 2004, this period was hard but fantastic and they give us motivation to move forward. I dedicate this version to all of them, if you recognize some of these guys in the forum don't hesitate to congratulate them.

You can download evaluation NOW, on ... you need a high speed connection

IT IS TIME to enter in the "R" world

Not applicable
I am one of them

My name is Francisco Vidigal and i assure that art*lantis r is the revolution about 3d rendering programs...

I'ts so great the way you can do great and realistic images in minutes.

you have to try it guys...

best regards
Not applicable
Surely it is big challenge regarding Light works window light.

I am very impressed...I hope, the price is not so high.
Is it updatable from Artlantis 4.5?
Karl Ottenstein
I encourage everyone to take a look at [English or French site - click flag] to see the new features of Artlantis R. If you're bashful about downloading the demo - Mac or PC - take a look at the various Flash tutorials to see screenshots and some working methods:

"R" is fun and easy to use, and produces remarkable results in record time. The interactive nature of applying materials and setting up lighting and views is fun and fluid. The radiosity engine produces beautiful, believable lighting effects, particularly for indoor scenes.

I was never a fan of the 4.0 / 4.5 user interface. The "R" interface is clean and simple - and has been customized for a native OS X version and a native XP version.

A key to "R", based on prior versions of Artlantis, is that the preview window gives a reasonable indication of the final rendering at all times, thus reducing the number of re-renderings to get the desired result. You can even preview radiosity.

Often, the only light needed for an indoor scene is the sunlight cast through windows.

A special 'neon' shader can be applied to any surface, causing it to cast real light and contribute to the radiosity solution. Perfect for strip lights, soffit lighting, or for making the flames of a fireplace cast light.

Not only can 3D objects be inserted into a scene, and manipulated ... but existing geometry can be converted to an object and then adjusted.

"R" is being called a new product and not an upgrade to 4.5. We'll have to wait to see if any dealers make deals. I believe I saw 495 euro as the retail price. "R" only produces static images from any number of stored views. For animations and VR scenes and objects, we still have to use 4.5 until the Artlantis Studio is released next year (or do them in ArchiCAD).

This last point will be a show-stopper for a small number of firms. If animations/VR and still images are a key part of your deliverables, it is not immediately obvious how to fit "R" into the workflow. A file from 4.5 can be opened and converted to "R", but the reverse is not true. So, if the stills are to match the animations or VRs, all material application and scene adjustment would have to be done in 4.5 and then further tweaking in "R" for the stills. If the model changes, you would have to open with reference in each of 4.5 and "R", etc. A bit awkward to keep things coordinated, I think, until Artlantis Studio is released.

Prior Artlantis users are familiar with the workflow: export ATL file from the ArchiCAD 3D window, open in Artlantis (perhaps 'with reference'). In 'R", you drag and drop materials/textures (even from Finder / Explorer), place cutouts and 3D objcts (similarly), place and adjust lighting, etc. All visually.

Even if we had the radiosity plug-in for LightWorks in ArchiCAD, the number of test renders it would take to get a suitable result (due to no 'live' preview) would IMHO easily take more time than it would take to export to "R" and work there. (Plus, R's radiosity engine is incredibly fast ... I'm not sure of the speed of the LW one.)

For settings that are comparable to Cinema 4D (for example, Artlantis R does not have caustics), I've seen results from "R" that are pretty similar. Considering the ease of use and direct connection with ArchiCAD (with a new export plug-in on its way) and reasonable price, I think anyone considering an external rendering package for ArchiCAD should at least download the Artlantis R demo and give it a spin. Anyone who needs to do more than a couple renderings will probably pay for "R" very quickly based on productivity gains.

This release is not without some unsatisfied wishes, but Abvent has been kindly listening to their users and I hope will continue to do so. Many of us use Piranesi for post-processing, including conversion to non-photorealistic images. Artlantis 4.5 and 4.0 can export to Piranesi's Epix file. Artlantis R cannot (yet). Abvent has indicated that if enough people ask for Epix export, it may be added later this year.

Try the demo.

One of the forum moderators
AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Karl wrote:
I encourage everyone to take a look at [English or French site - click flag] to see the new features of Artlantis R.

This release is not without some unsatisfied wishes, but Abvent has been kindly listening to their users and I hope will continue to do so. Many of us use Piranesi for post-processing, including conversion to non-photorealistic images. Artlantis 4.5 and 4.0 can export to Piranesi's Epix file. Artlantis R cannot (yet). Abvent has indicated that if enough people ask for Epix export, it may be added later this year.

Try the demo.


Excellent write-up Karl!

As for fast and easy, after looking at C4D and the like in comparison, yes it IS easy. But at the end of the day, just like any program, to become familiar with it will take some time and practice.

I want to echo Karl in his suggestion to let Abvent know if you need the Piranas export!!!!!

All in all, Artlantis R is a VAST improvement over Artlantis 4.5.6. I'm very disappointed with the cost of ALL of the library add-ons. All in, a new purchase with all add-ons puts you well over $1,200.00 US. That is a significant increase in price from the last version. The pricing has to make you look at the more "professional grade" rendering packages available, like C4D, Maya, and soon to come Maxwell Render, which has a cult following already.

The current pricing structure does not even include VR or Animation, which you will have to purchase as another if you want it, I believe in 1st qtr 2006. I'm assuming at least another $300.00 US for that upgrade.

I think the software is good, but at this price point, you have MANY more options for software to consider that can produce much better results. However, Abvent still has one of the easiest interfaces to use. We shall see if that changes with Maxwell Render.

PSTTTT, dont forget to bug them about the Epix out not currently included

Robert Mariani
MARIANI design studio, PLLC
Architecture / Architectural Photography

Mac OSX 13.1
AC 24 / 25 / 26
Not applicable
Back years ago, there was a very close relantionship between Graphisoft and Abvent. It stills in some way, but not like before. Now AC has another internal rendering engine (the poor LW).

When Abvent launched Artlantis 4.5, it was very disappointing. Just some minor improvements like perspective insertion and billboards (should bring RPC instead). That cost very very much to Abvent, what a loss of time! After using Artlantis for years, I couldn't wait anymore for the long waited Artlantis R, so I started to learn Autodesk VIZ and VRay.

Now it seems Abvent woke up, they remade their poor website, implemented user foruns (they didn't even have it so far!), and seems they are now much more professionals.
Very good, but too late. In that time many user like me crossed the bridge to a higher render and even with Artlantis R we don´t feel returning again... (It is good but not as good as Mental Ray, Vray, Brazil, Maxwell, etc..)

Now with the release of the ease of use Maxwell, Abvent still need to run, and very fast.....
Not applicable
Hello Ricardo , (tudo bem pelo Brazil? )

yes, your point of view is valid, but when you talk about maxwell or vray, they are not competitive about producing nice images in a really small amount of time...and the plug in conection archicad vs vray is not so .....easy as in art*lantis.

so i think with still must see art*lantis r as a really fast high end rendering engine that could be useful in a lot of conditions, and yes the time is one of them.

i remember that producing a nice interior with maxwell is now getting non less that 8 hours..... ...not productive

best regards to all
Rakela Raul
so, how much is it ?? upgrade??

+-500 dls upgrade
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
Karl Ottenstein
I have not seen any site actually selling it yet, but I have heard that the price is 495 euro. One person has reported buying a license code from ObjectsOnline for US$595, subject to shipment of the actual released product.

I have not heard anything about upgrade discounts. One comment in one forum indicated that Abvent views this as a new product and not an upgrade.

Don't shoot the messenger. Just passing on gossip.

One of the forum moderators
AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Rakela Raul
thx karl,
just got a message from my reseller:
it is upgradable in the same way it was before, from version 4 a little more expensive, from 4.5 cheaper and from no version the number u just indicated about.....

"Artlantis R is $595 brand new.

Artlantis R Upgrade from 4.5 is $375."
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16

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