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And What About That MultiLayer Paint Shader?????

It seems important, as I get on with laying out my book, that really important stuff gets shared in our community.

MultiLayer Paint is a shader that does a lot of beautiful foil and metallic effects not suggested by its name.

multilayer paint.jpg
Dwight Atkinson
Oh mighty dwighty,
it's beautiful...and what is happening to your book?
how much longer?
While apologizing for the delay to all who will rely on this book to solve their illustration problems, and chagrine for the poor job I did planning how long it would actually take to solve the problems (like figuring out and explaining multilayer paint, to myself, for instance) and write and illustrate and lay out with some precision rather than the blathering layout you see on so many other books of this kind that never have much value and are kind of empty when you get right down to it (boy did I have enough caffeine tonite to talk so long wthout breathing), I expect to actually hold a finished book in my hand June 30. (Rather some prssman in Saskatoon might) Did I mention that I am also building a solar fuel cell, running for Parliament and wetnursing twins? Didn't think so. At least the multilayer paint columns are complete.

How many forum members liked the ShadowCaster posting?
Dwight Atkinson
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Dwight wrote:
How many forum members liked the ShadowCaster posting?
This one did.
Was this feature a big surprise? Has anyone used it?
Dwight Atkinson
Dwight wrote:
Was this feature a big surprise? Has anyone used it?
I have used similar features in other software (3ds max) so I'm not totally surprised by it. It's a new set of features for ArchiCAD though, and this is one of this CG-things that have a good use for Architects. I guess your book could be the "missing manual" for LightWorks.

Graphisoft did make a good decision using LightWorks, yet they seem to have hidden a lot of the real gems.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
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How many forum members liked the ShadowCaster posting?
Me three. More, please, sir.

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