Start by getting to know the roof tool well. I find it is usually best to model the roofs with single pitches and then copy, trim and join them as needed. The add-ons will only help with the details, resolving the overall massing and design of the roofs is something you need to figure out - automatic tools (such as the hipped roof geometry method) can only come close (at best).
I usually model pitched roofs with separate roof elements for the roofing (sheathing & shingle/slate/tile) and structure. This way the structural thickness ends at the wall while the roofing extends over the eaves. The eaves can then be modeled with profiled walls or beams for cornices and other trim, bits of roofs and slabs for rafter tails and modillions, and so on depending on the style etc.
Attached is an example of a fairly simple classical style roof that is made entirely with standard ArchiCAD tools (no add-ons). The rake/cornice intersection is the only really tricky bit. It requires SEOs and the correct profiles (using the beam tool) to get the vertical miter.