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About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

ArchiCad for Kids

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My two girls received new software yesterday and they are becoming home designers within hours. Their software features hundreds of GDL type objects, wall tool, window tool, door tool and roofing wizard.

It has OpenGL real time during modelling. Cut away views, rotation, pan, zoom. Simulate weather, lighting. The features go on and on. All for $59.

Beyond that they can custom design the clients. Little people who can resemble exactly the facial features, clothing. The clients Psychology, behavior and needs. Then they can simulate the clients movements and reactions to the design.

Call it AIA extended services - Pre-Occupancy Design Preview Services.

This is almost no joke.


Aaron Bourgoin
My daughters aren't old enough to deal with the some of the relational themes of the new version, but version 1 certainly gives them ample opportunity to offer feedback on my renovation designs.

They have also made extensive forays into the world of town planning and urban design.

If only I could invoke the same keyboard shortcut that they use to bump up their bank account, life would be grand!
Think Like a Spec Writer
AC4.55 through 28 / USA AC27-6010 USA
Rhino 8 Mac
MacOS 15.2
Not applicable
Won't it be great when we get an Archicad API which would calculate;
i) comfort
ii) environment
iii) colour balance
iv) social interactivity
factors for a design.

While the API-designer is at work (how about it Fabrizio?) why not allow us to set various 'client-parameters' and then let the add-on calculate the likelihood of client approval. For an extra 10 bucks we could also get the 'PAP' (planning approval prediction) API ?

- Stuart
Not applicable
My kids started using ArchiCAD about a year ago when they were 7 and 9. They haven't done any CDs yet but their models have all the basic parts of the building and their designs aren't too bad considering their lack of Architectural training. Maybe this fall my son can teach my partner (his mother) to use it. She's getting tired of asking me to fit her projects into my crammed schedule.

The urban planning idea is a good one. I have thought it would be fun to organize an Architecture program for the local public schools, and town planning and neighborhood design would be perfect to get them going.