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Archicad to Cinema 4d export problems

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I am experiencing a strange problem. I've installed cinema 4d Exchange add-on (AC 17, Cinema 4D R13) and tried to export model from the 3d window using "edit selected elements in Cinema 4D" function. It opened the scene in Cinema, with the camera, sun and all the elements listed on the right side, but all elements are shown just as dots. I tried to scale them, but nothing happens. I also set units to meters in both files, so that was not the problem. I also tried by saving the scene as c4d file and opening in Cinema, but the problem persisted.

Does anybody have any idea?
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a long time you posted your problem. And no answer until no 😞 Well I have experienced the same and haven't found an solution too. I'm using AC17 and C4D R15.

what I fount is that normally c4d will import the model always at point 0, what is terrible because if you start using background or camera calibration you need to move your model to place it nicely to your background. and you'll need to do this every time you changed something in AC.

when you just see dots I found the model itself somewhere else. for example point (3333333333,33333333333,-3333333333)
best way to find the model is to activate an item itself (wall, window,...) but not a group and then you select "zoom to selected object" (3d window / view).

in my case I found in point 0 itself the sun and a bunch of dots. even when I choose not to import lights...

I figured out that happens as soon as you start modelling not in point 0 in AC.
I had a place with several buildings so I tried to merge them into one pln and place them correctly on a map. since I did it c4d is merging the models somewhere far away of point 0 what is terrible because the point of rotation for the whole model still is 0,0,0 .

So I copied all the buildings to new AC files and merged them one after another and place them in c4d where I need them.
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Hi kmcw! Only now I saw that you wrote reply.
Yes, you were right, that is the solution for the problem.