Glad I could help.
First of all there is definetly grate progress. I like better this warm mood then the "hotel's-swimming pool-by-night-climate"

. It just suits better the subject, don't you think?
Here's some more:
- there is a rule "less light sources, more control of the scene"
- try to tweak just one light, manipulating max two parameters at the time. When ready than multiply..
The best results are easy to miss because of the not very intuitive parameter control.
- for the downlights I use wide "outer lightcone angle" like 120-160 plus >0.2 angle falloff, this way you avoid burn spot on the floor. Light should flood the room not burn places, eventhough interior lights in AC are hard to enslave. What I personally missing is something like "invert skydome light", because "general light source" simply does not do the job.
2. For the glow effect:
You can do both. Use dielectric for reflectance and boost "transmission" factor, or use constant for reflectance and turn on "pipeline" with attetuation 0.0 (white colour)
Completely lost with this one.... cheated and airbrushed with PhShop!
God bless PS - the ultimate 2D renderer

. Below is ilustration what I ment. One thing, it is just shader I'm talking, it does not cast light nor shadow. For that follow Dwight lesson.
3. You can change picture by placing the name of it in setting window. Make sure you have it in the loaded libraries and you write it correctly.
Curses on this... how do u load it up correctly in the libraries?
Make sure that the picture you want show is in your loaded libraries.
Go to setting window of the Picture object (I asume you use that one) and put on "use custome picture" and type the name of the picture.
Hope to see some more, try to post it bigger next time.
See ya