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Camera Tool - Sun azimuth control on floor plan

Not applicable
In ArchiCAD versions prior to AC16, the sun azimuth was able to be changed by selecting the camera in the floor plan, whilst the camera tool was selected. Hovering the mouse over the sun would change the cursor to a tick and by clicking on the sun a pet palette appeared enabling you to change the sun azimuth. This functionally seems to have disappeared in AC 16 or am I missing something?
David Maudlin

I don't recall a Pet Palette icon, you were able to change the sun's azimuth by clicking on the camera's sun icon in plan and moving it. This function disappeared in AC16, has been restored in AC17. In AC16, you will need to use the Camera Settings palette.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC27 USA • iMac 27" 4.0GHz Quad-core i7 OSX11 | 24 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14

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