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Crossed corners

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The Log Home Solution add-on for AC allows you to cross the corners of log walls in a variety of ways. We use the Mortis & Tenon. For common logs I cross them from the internal surface at 12". What I'm trying to do is put a single log row (log wall @ height of one log) on top of the 4 log walls of the house. I need the overhang of these logs to be 1'-6". They are on a different story(2nd). When I select only these logs and try to cross the corners @ 1'-6" every wall in the drawing is changed as well. Any idea how I can isolate these walls so that they are the only ones changed????

Doug Thornton
Not applicable
FYI, After trying several different methods of crossing the corners on a single log row such as putting them on a different layer....and having all the corners in the house cross at this overhang, I moved the log row to a place in the drawing which wasn't above the 13 log rows of the house. I tried the same ideas to cross them. I finally changed the single row walls to two log rows. With them away from the house and 2 log rows high I was able to cross them without changing the overhang of the logs in the house. After that I changed them back to a single log row (it keeps the very bottom log row of the wall maintaining the axis of the main wall) and moved it back over onto the 13 log rows of the house. Kind of a pain but I found out that AC can't distinguish one row from another in a wall. By doing this it allows (hopefully) AC to see this row as a wall and generate a cutlist for it along with the rest of the walls. Still got a long way to go but getting one step closer every day!

Doug Thornton
Not applicable
i'm new to AC and work for log home company. I've learned alot about building 3d log homes. the whole cross corners thing was a little strange for me at first. i found that the company i work for likes to extend the top log row on the gable end out to meet facia. we have to make sure we cross with the right x,y direction. say you got 13 rows on (vs)view set 1. on vs 2 you could have 1 log row, stacked in place of the 14th log row. cross corners making sure the x,y direction is right. then go to vs 2 and delete crossed corners, it only deletes that rows corners. extend your logs for gable end and butt, (if using butt and pass) the other logs to it.

works for me!
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
It's been a while since I worked with log home companies (unfortunately - I love it!), but I do remember having some success with not using the crossed corners at all. Maybe it could work for you too? Try crossing one wall with another, making sure that just one of the wall uses the 'Start with Half log' setting under Log Options.

If you need the top log to extend, you could play with insert an empty opening into the end of the wall, using Solid Element Operations, or to get a much rounder log, use a library part or beam.

That's all from vague memory, so excuse me if it doesn't suit your situation.
