About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Export to VRML question

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A client wants to walk around in a building we are working on and I tried exporting VRML to use in Octagon VRML player ( It works fine but with a big problem....I can only move around in "examine" mode. I can't walk or fly or anythinh like that. I don't know if the settings are wrong when I export the VRML-file. There are hardly any settings btw...
If anyone has experience with this and can help me I would be very grateful.

Best regards,

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on VRML you can't make that

that i understand is you want move like on the REAL TIME RENDER GAMES ?

for that you ned a one real time render engine

what i use for. Last one who i work wit is GameBryo

but is too Hi level engine and is for that is too expensive

may be for you is Director shockwave studio

that engine work fine wit MAYA and 3D MAX


work wit 3DMAX export but is not sou finish like product

LOL i don't know but i thing i am the only one person on that world who make GAME Level editing wit ArchiCAD .))

nut i never see more fastest solution for make a simple RTR game level .)))

if GS make level editor for games wit all ArchiCAD tools walls dors windows terrain mesh who have archiCAD for low polys terrain is the best one for me ........

they will be the N1 editor

its really amazing my team modelers modeling a one level day after day i make for just some hours geometry export from ArchiCAD is close to perfect i not loose any time for enter that geometry to Real time render engins

last one GAME who i work on it is ZOO TYCOON 2 real time render Tycoon strategy game (i am not authorize from tam boss to post the more info screen shots and examples .( but that is the world everybody not want to share information for new one projects)

Have nice enter to your new world mathome you will find all one new world of TEXTURE and SHADOWS baking Unwrapping texture coordinates POLYGON COUNTERS and many many more if you want to enter intro REAL time RENDERS ENGINES .))))
Not applicable
the theme continue

for me the Real Time Renders Engine that is the future all big company work strongly on it we have just some years for stop it renders

we will able to make just one building and print them directly or make one animation direct from softwares with not rendering

just look that


if GS is smart they too will go on that base to they software GOOD ONE REAL TIME RENDER ENGINE
that is just one idea if they can enter option for visualizing one building wit the same level of details will be just best

i can imagine that after just 3-4years
The ArchiShock plug-in from Dunako is worth a serious look.
Geoff Briggs
I & I Design, Seattle, USA
AC7-28, M1 Mac, OS 15.x
Graphisoft Insider's Panel, Beta Tester
Not applicable
Shockwave3D technology of Macromedia Director MX


but i mean to make one simple tutorial for ArchiCAD to DIRECTOR

will be Simple and Easy one CIPHER-FREE solution i thing ?



Not applicable
IvanG wrote:
the theme continue

for me the Real Time Renders Engine that is the future all big company work strongly on it we have just some years for stop it renders

we will able to make just one building and print them directly or make one animation direct from softwares with not rendering

just look that


if GS is smart they too will go on that base to they software GOOD ONE REAL TIME RENDER ENGINE
that is just one idea if they can enter option for visualizing one building wit the same level of details will be just best

i can imagine that after just 3-4years

You're a true 3D source it seems! Thanks for your illuminating answer(s). I couldn't test ArchiShock because of the expiry date so I downloaded this Unreal demo and to put it mildly it was cool! I however don't know how to get my ArchiCAD model into the Unreal editor!? Do I have to go via 3DS and use the ActorX plug-in??

<<<I found another thread describing the export via 3DS so I guess this is the way...cumbersome...>>>>

Best regards,


A problem with the Unreal editor is that my office mates think I'm playing computer games at work...😉
Not applicable


on first 2houers free time i will make tutorial ArchiCAD to DIRECTER wit shadows and material editing +may be camera collision


now for Unreal Engine

you can't use that engine easy for your presentation you need programmer for compiling the EXE files and many many work on that engine for understand what you need for make interactive walk and other thing that is scripting work .(((
To export an ArchiCAD scene into VRML?

1 - you export the ArchiCAD 3D Window into a VRML file. Biggest problem: the Vertical axis is not pointing vertical in a VRML browser like Blaxxun Contact.

2 - you export the ArchiCAD 3D Window into a *.3ds file, open it in 3ds max (or similar) and export to VRML. Now everything is nice and you can walk through your scene in realtime, including collision detection.


And into Unreal? It's hard but it can be done:
1 - you export a 3ds file, open it in 3ds max, do some work, export to an ASE-file, open the Unreal Editor and load the ASE file as a static mesh.
---> Static meshes only have vertex-lighting and no lightmaps
---> You can transfer all material mapping with it

2 - you don't have 3ds max? Export the 3D-model as a DXF file from ArchiCAD and load the DXF-file as a brush in the Unreal Editor. Trial and error will teach you what the best size for this is, but once it's converted into a brush, you can "add" or "subtract" the model from the world.
---> Watch out : avoid high polygon counts
---> You don't get the seperation into materials with DXF imported as brush


I was planning to make some more tutorials, but I don't find the time anymore... Sorry.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
Not applicable
Hi Stefan .))

you too use ArchiCAD for Game design ??

yes he can enter the DXF like brush on engine but he can't make presentation after that need to open UNREAL game on the eye of them client

i mean to speak wit team programmer for make on stadalone UNREAL plier but for now he is not available

the best way for me for presentation of architecture on real time renders and fast and easy way to get your shadows materials .... is DIRECTOR you can export like a Shockwave studio file who you upload intro internet or make a simple EXE file for CD presentation and wit 2D power of director you can make a really good presentation i thing .))))
I don't model for games, but I am looking to use VR-tools for architectural visualisation.

The free "Unreal Runtime Environment" can be used for making non-shooting realtime walkthroughs. Don't know if it will work on a Mac, though.

Or buy the Unreal Tournament game: $50 is cheap for a nice VR-tool 😉

Using a VRML-browser is a valid choice for presentation to clients.

I'm looking to do a study comparing all these tools, like I did with the renderstudy on
Most applications are allready mentioned, but I haven't decided on a common model yet.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book