Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Not Enough Memory to Render Model

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I upgraded the Ram and have now 3Gig of Ram ... I have rendered a movie and multiple stills from the same model when I only had 1Gig Ram ... When I try to render with the upgraded memory I get the message " Not Enough Memory to Render Model "
When I render a partial (marque of one story), it goes through and works ... but when I see the whole thing in 3d and tryto render I get the erro rmessage.
Windows task manager shows that only 1.53Gig of the memory is used ... oonw core working at 100% and the other on 1%.
What is going on?:shock:
thank you
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laszlonagy wrote:
Ebbie wrote:
I hate ArchiCAD and foudn Revit hard to use ... please keep up the good work
I guess you wanted to write:

"I hate AutoCAD"

Didn't you?
You are SO abSOlutely Right ... sorry for the confusion.
Not applicable
Do I remember reading somewhere that switching the openGL window to internal wireframe mode, or turning the textures off before you try to render helped with the out-of-memory problem? I may be imagining it, but it's worth a try if you're still having problems?
While it is a good practice when imaging large projects to do so in wireframe to speed up the 3D model assembly, it doesn't help with memory issues when the real rendering starts.
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
Thanks for the clarification, Dwight. I wasn't sure.