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About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Piranesi in a week

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I need to ask if it is possible to use Piranesi for a presentation in 7 days having never used it before? Client is requesting softer images. Tell me what you think.

I've used artlantis extensively for years and feel very comfortable with it. I've got one week to make a presentation to the Mayor and City council. Can I do it?

Thanks for your input.

Mark Gillis
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I use Piranesi for renderings and depending on what affect you are trying to accomplish, you should be able to do a very nice rendering in less than a day if you are new to the Piranesi, less than a couple of hours if experienced.

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Thanks for your reply! I've downloaded the 30 day trial and tutorials and if this works out I'll gladly purchase it.
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I am still using 8.1. Is there any translation issue there?
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None that I am aware of. The downloaded version is excellent and try working through the tutorials as they are very well done and a great help in understanding how to get the most from Piranesi.

David Pacifico
The Style Browser is like Favorites in AC. Use that to quickly get familar with the program. A typical work flow for me would be to:
1. Put in People and Trees. Learn how to get the shadows to fall correctly
2. Save the Piranesi File and the Cutouts (people and trees) as seperate files In case you want to come back to this point. Piranesi has Undo but is limited to RAM
3. Rerender and Burn-in your cut-outs
4. Use the beyond photorealisim tutorials in the style browser to try different effects.

I typically Pour White over everything.
Outline everything with lines
Then restore the color back from the orig.
You will see this in the beyond Photorealism tutorial. HTH
David Pacifico, RA

AC27 iMac i9, 32 gig Ram, 8 gig video Ram
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Thanks for all the input! 2 more questions if I may.

1. Should I set everything up in artlantis (textures and the like)first then export? Or straight from ArchiCad?

2. Do I have to paint each view that I want? Or can I paint the view and then change to a different location?

Thanks again,

Mark Gillis
David Pacifico
1. This depends on what your doing. I like to make the rendering as pretty finished, weather I'm using Artlantis or ArchiCAD. If you like to use Artlantis to finish your rendering then you should do it and go to Piranesi after.

2. You pretty much have to paint each view seperate. You can save the cut-outs, change your view, export another Piranesi file and pour in your saved cut-outs. (which is pretty cool) At one time there was a bug in the ArchiCAD to Piranesi, and I don't remeber if this has been fix yet. It will work out of Artlantis though.
David Pacifico, RA

AC27 iMac i9, 32 gig Ram, 8 gig video Ram