Glad you posted that. Wouldn't have been aware of it otherwise. It does look nice.
It's interesting that this seems identical to Artlantis in almost every way - from the preview, to the feature set. The sky cloud and sun effects appear identical to Artlantis.
And, the company is in Paris. Hmmm... Could it be a secret Abvent thing to capture the SketchUp market? Or, did someone use the same rendering base engine as Artlantis?
See attached screenshot comparing one Artlantis palette to that in render[in] - note that the cloud sliders are exactly the same, and that the icons at the top, while reordered, are the same as well.
As for "me too" - we already have Artlantis with a clean workflow between AC and it. You really do not want it integrated into AC, I don't think, as Artlantis can be batch rendering with as many cores as you have at the same time as you are working in AC today. If integrated, you have to stop work while things render.
Integrated, you are limited to the capabilities of the SketchUp or ArchiCAD materials dialog. I cannot recall that SketchUp allows for alpha channels / bump / etc?
But, it will all come down to the price of render[in] once the free beta is over, I guess.
AC 28 USA and earlier • macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB