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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Rendering Basics

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Hi All

Once again I need help, I am learning AC and have followed the basic guide for rendering in lightworks but:

1) On my basic panoramas the surfaces appear very "grainy" and not smooth with regard to lighting, or texture.

2) I have tried changing the rendering settings so many times I have got confused with what I have and have not tried in order to get the best or at least a decent movie.

3) My external renderings are okay but the internal movies are horrendous with circular graining that it is horrific.

Therefore can anyone tell me what basic settings I should start with for an internal render/VR scene to reduce the "circular" grain effect on walls etc, and why my basic 5 camera render seems to take 2-3 hours. Obviously I must have something set either too high or too many settings because I have seen examples that are far better than mine created in half the time and I have to say I am now lost as to what to do.

Any idiots guide would be truly helpful.

1: Grainy appearance is from light that is inadequately resolved - you need more than 0 quality in light and shadow ( usually at least 3) to make smooth light in the sky object and sun object. Experiment with higher numbers. (But higher quality light does take longer to render). We call the circular effect "banding." Again - from unresolved light quaity setting in the light source....

2: Refractive materials add greatly to the calculation time of a rendering as well as too many specific architectural lights in the scene. Check your glass: refraction 1.0

3: I strongly suggest ordering my book that has several interior examples of setting up and adjusting light direction and quality. It will save you days of experimenting. See below.

4: Make smaller sized renderings to practice.
Dwight Atkinson

It also occured to me that you might be using a bad CODEC to compress your movies. I am not expert in this area, but several compression schemes reduce the number of colors in an image with the result of color banding......
Dwight Atkinson
Rakela Raul
Therefore can anyone tell me what basic settings
"Lightworks x Archicad" is ur answer
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
Thank you, Raul.

Several hundred forum members have purchased this book and I am receiving good comments about it constantly. Of course, it is a set up because in order to receive the bonus files and materials, book purchasers must register with me and comment on the book.

The book is fine on its own, solving the main illustration problems ArchiCAD users face in operating a rendering environment, but combined with my full-day seminar it's an excellent way to become stronger as an illustrator.

The challenge is not only about light source settings, but it is about combined placement and about cheating the architectural lighting as a photographer would to keep renderings simple and quick to render.

Until I leave for my Eastern USA tour next month, I stand by to quickly mail out any book orders that arrive here.

Thank you to the ArchiCAD TALK Forum community for supporting this book project.
Dwight Atkinson