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Sketch Render Critique

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I would greatly appreciate some feedback from all of you on the following renderings. I've spent a great deal of time going through this forum, and I thank all of you for the invaluable information in it! Initially, the design-phase renderings we did here at the office were in color and "trying" to be very photo-realistic. The response from clients was that they would focus on unimportant details, such as the "wrong" color of a doorknob, etc.. I've tried to eliminate things from these renderings which will hopefully keep the client on-track as to the overall design: colors, landscaping details, etc.. But I also wanted enough detail in the renderings to give a good feeling to them.

I used LW, Sketch Render, and Photoshop to put these together. Also, I took photos of the site to incorporate into the renderings. I realize that they would have a better feeling to them if I did put in the proposed site landscaping, but I have been asked not to do so at this early stage so as to keep the client "on-track." Thanks in advance for your input.

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the second..
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and last one!
Ooo, baby! This is a wonderful job. The bile of covetousness rises in my throat.

You are correct in your preamble that clients focus on incongruity. By eliminating color you bring the sense of grassland villa to the forefront.

The project has the advantage of a bucholic site and site photography to captivate the eye. Try doing this in a city with fire hydrants and overhead wires. Where is this?

If i was to criticize, it would be that in Archicad, Lightworks needs work to keep murkiness out of the shadows. Stylizing the image like you've done minimizes this liability.
Dwight Atkinson
Dwight Atkinson
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Wouah! I like it.

I am not the right person to give an advice, because a bit blind color, but these images speak to me. There is an "atmosphere".
I don't find the same in hyper realistic renderings in color.

I prefer your images with landscape, and yes, #4 is excellent.
Nice architecture, artistic composition. Congrats.
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The images are really good at expressing what is important at this stage. Our office does this also because clients normally do get stuck on meaningless details. We've had a couple clients that have said they weren't happy at all with the project, but when asked what their issues were they normally centred on some very small detail that was easily remedied.

Great renders!

One question... what are the settings that you normally use for the sketch rendering of these??
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love it!

i would also love to know what different settings you used in the sketch setup (screen shot perhaps)

very sensitive to the site
Excellent, Foster. I wish I could do something even close to this.
= v i s t a s p =
bT Square Peg
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