Thank you very much for your useful suggestions.
I’m trying to collect all the information I miss before buying the archicad and the rendering software and start learning.
-The libraries you talk about goes with the software or you have to buy additional material? From the images you see, more or less you can understand what kind of textures will I need.
-What are the differences between art.lantis and 3dmax? And how does the rendering work? I mean, all the structure and materials come with the archicad file and in the rendering program you have only to check options and proceed with the rendering or is it more complex?
-And about the vegetation and landscape: I see you recommend not to use archicad. How does it work in art.lantis or 3d max
I thank you very much for all your suggestions. You know, before taking an important decision it is best to check with someone who knows better than you….