FWIW, my tutorial for exporting from ArchiCAD into Cinema4D used the two formats 3DS & OBJ.
I prefer the 3DS path, but I also noticed that the textures & materials are exported through a separate MTL-file, that probably didn't get read by Cinema4D, but I suppose Maya will be able to read it just fine.
However, even if the material information is not there, the mapping coordinates are available in the geometry. This is controlled by applying the ArchiCAD texture maps to the geometry and seeing that they align, without having to assign additional UV(W) coordinates.
This is a very big timesaver, since manually setting all mapping to the geometry is a lot of work for orthogonal models and is almost impossible to do when you have curved geometry.
And I suppose that most things I say are valid for all software: 3ds max, Cinema4D, Maya, XSI, Lightwave etc...
Try experimenting with the different OBJ-export options in ArchiCAD. You can always check the output in a text-editor, since it is a more or less human-readable format. Especially when the OBJ-file points to materials.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book