Hey guys!
I know this is an old post, but I have some major problems. I did what Dwight said below. I am well over 4 million polygons. Yikes.
Our building is 77,000sq. ft and very complex. We have the entire site modeled, every classroom of the school, i mean everything. Our landscape architects came in with a sketch up model and blew everyone away with the movies they made. Super cheesy of course because they were in sketch up, but we are building a school for kids and they all went nuts over it which in turn means so did the clients.
The architect of course now want archicad to do this. But I cant even get the full model to come up in 3d.
I am now in the process of saving off a new model, just to delete everything on the inside of the classrooms and all the non essential polygons that could not be seen in fly arounds. Regardless, I will probably get just under the 2 million polygons and the fly arounds will still take hours upon end to complete. That is of course if "Not Enough Memory" still comes up.
Can anyone offer some advice? I have Archicad 11 and lightworks. I am good with photoshop but cannot edit the movie that way.
I would appreciate it.