Due to a scheduled maintenance, a maximum 20 minutes license delivery outage may be expected on July 6 2024 (Saturday) between 6PM to 8PM (CEST).
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TOOLBARS: UI/UX Enhancements


Please include modifications to the separator item when constructing tool bars


1. Separator with 'pagebreak' behvaviour whereby it forces a new line of icons

2. Abilty to name the separator so the eg the text will appear as a vertical header on the toolbar (if it is named)

3. Separator should also have ability to apply colour underline/stripe/dot header device to help eye travel/UX


Its a minor detail but vital to reduce fatigue wherever possible. They greyscale icons as flat, are great but the eye lead is not clear nor colour anchored.


Below is just the layer items; the blue links to the 'layers' blue key on my keypad...see the request for function keys 13-24 and it might start to make sense with colour and gesture


As header




As underline



Icon header with underline




Mark Wesse
AC26 | Win10 | Since v6.5r
Architerion - Architectural Systems Developer
Aurasphere - Acoustics
Building Biology - Human Compatible Architecture
"--- Every time...do it better ---"