Export Autotext in DWG as the value it has on screen.


The Autotext function is really useful for labeling. You can use it to label everything from date to drawing name to properties. We propose that Autotext can be placed wherever in your PLN and actually be exported to DWG while keeping the value it displays in Archicad. 



Schermafbeelding 2025-01-17 145236.png
Eduardo Rolon

Need more info since that is how it has always worked.


See this topic linked: https://community.graphisoft.com/t5/Collaboration-with-other/Autotext-on-Master-Layout-missings-on-D...

A graphisoft employee literally states this is a known bug. Also, our office has had contact with our local reseller, who told us this has been a known bug for a long time. They also told that our best shot at fixing this would be to post it here, so we did.


Also, regarding 'that is how it always worked', isn't this the wishlist for Archicad? We wish for it to work another way.

Eduardo Rolon

Got it.

Another wish to fix a long standing bug.

"that is how it always worked" comment was because it looked like you were wishing for autotext to work like it is supposed to.


GS indicating in that post that it is not a bug IMO is wrong because we are losing data on export based on the option we select.


with 15/200 Votes 13.333333333333%

Wish details