Braza wrote: You could also check Work Environment > Tool Schemes > Tool
Settings Dialog Boxes > Curtain Wall Panel Tool > Panel Component
Settings. Perhaps it is set to invisible. That was it. Thanks a lot,
Braza!! I never suspected that such an imp...
Barry wrote: As Braza mentioned, you have to Go into 'Edit' mode for the
Curtain Wall. Then select the Door panel and have a look at the settings
for that. Barry. Hei Barry, see my screenshot from 10:33. That.s my door
panel settings. PS I just opene...
tottoratkai wrote: Barry wrote: tottoratkai wrote: Anyway, an Archicad
24 PLA with the problematic element can be downloaded frm here if anyone
wants to do some tests, too. It seems that you have the surface override
on for the door panel. Barry. Wow...
Barry wrote: tottoratkai wrote: Anyway, an Archicad 24 PLA with the
problematic element can be downloaded frm here if anyone wants to do
some tests, too. It seems that you have the surface override on for the
door panel. Barry. Wow! that would solve ...
Braza wrote: Ok... Check if there is any Material Override inside the
panel itself. What is the exact name of the CW Door? I just have the INT
version. The only material override are the ones visible in both posts
from me above, which shows that glas...