I am not aware of a bug fix for this. I work around by putting a text
box over the dimension from the outset with an opaque white background
fill to hide the dimension. Working in AC25 now and realising I didn't
do this in the current project so I wi...
Try changing one of the walls to a different layer and also changing the
number (it can be any other number not matching the layer of the another
wall element) in the layer settings as noted in the screenshot. I
noticed this can get around this bug.
Disappointingly these solutions do not seem to be working in AC25. I
cannot relink an anchor story away from a story I want to delete from
the project. So after deleting the story and losing any elements on it I
have to replace the windows.
Hi Minh, I have uploaded the file at the link provided. Direction to the
markers are on the Archicad layer on the 1st floor plan. Thanks,
Jonathan M. Thomas
Hi Minh Nguyen, Please provide a place to upload the file and
instruction on how the file needs to be packaged. (It is currently
around 550 MB.) Thank you, Jonathan Thomas