Is there a way to Display the View ID in a title as shown in the image?
I have the project number in as autotext in the drawing description
field, but the Drawing ID seems to be tied to the Layout or the View.
Thanks in advance Abe
The View ID can come in as part of the drawing name. Is there a way to
bring in the drawing name (By View: ID and Name) and delete the name
leaving only the numbers as a workaround? The view id is always the
first 6 digits e.g. 08-006 (category-numbe...
I got that far, but AC_DrawingNumber seems to be attached to the
settings in the image below. I can get the number from the view ID or
the layout but not both. Any ideas? I created the title shown with the
NCS Drawing Title 14. I chose "Drawing Descr...
Take a look at this pdf file from Digital Vision. It gives a clear
example of creating rafter tails specifically. It helped me out.