since ‎2020-02-13

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  • 8 Posts
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Hallo Zusammen, ich möchte gerne die Ansichtslinie im Grundriss sichtbar darstellen, nicht nur den Marker-Kopf. Der Schnitt kann das, wieso nicht auch die Ansicht (oder finde ich den Haken nicht)? Danke und GrüßeMara Operating system used: Windows 10...
Hi all, Is it now somehow possible to show the surfaces of the 3D elements in the floor plan? (without layering axonometry or 2D fills) We like to draw our interior planning with surface representation and would like to be able to adapt the floor pla...
Hello everyone, As an architecture and interior design office, we mostly work with multi-storey buildings. In the field of interior design, however, there is always a problem when it comes to height dimensioning. For our planning, which always shows ...
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