Good morning,If I understand the previous exchanges correctly, now with
AC26 you have to be absolutely rigorous about the systematic use of SEO
where with AC25 you could play more easily with display orders. The
problem is that all our projects creat...
First of all, thank you for taking an interest in my problem. Using the
merge command does not change the problem in my case at all...Besides, I
didn't need it in AC25...I avoid some SEO if possible in order to
unnecessarily weigh down the model.
New test today:> screenshot of cut portion on AC26: You will notice that
the wood beams (materials with a higher priority than the others, layers
with a higher priority than the others) are not displayed correctly,
except for one, which is however in...
With my file it's not that simple...And it's not systematic either.
Pretty random...I also encounter the problem elsewhere, exactly this
case for
I think the problem comme from that:Is there a solution to have the same
display that in AC25 ??It's sutch problematic, i have to do a lot of
modification if there is not a quicly solution...